Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mustafa and the Moderization of Turkey

Ataturk created a true secular system in turkey, where a great area of Moslem majority and the small Christian and Jewish minorities are free to practice their faith. Secularism brought independence of thought and independence of institutions from the dominance of religious thinking and religious institutions. Seperation of state and religion, religion from education, cultural, and legal affairs, took act in secularism. It was not an anti-God principle, but it was a rationalist anti-clerical sercularism.
European hats replaced the fez, women stopped wearing the veil, all citizens took surnames, and the Islamic calendar was replaced by the Western calendar. Ataurk introduced moderization all through Turkey for the better. He wanted to lead his country out of the crumbling past into a fearless future. From the changes he made, Ataturk led his nation to full independence.

Secular: of or pertaining to worldly things or to things that are not regarded as religious, spiritual, or sacred; temporal: secular interests.

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