Monday, March 30, 2009

Film Lesson: Night and Fog

"Night and Fog" is a documentry film based on Nazi concentration camps. I felt that the film was powerful because it was real. The images were very horrifying and i felt nauseous looking at them. During the concentation camps scenes, you can see the effects of what happened in the camps. The documentry is quite disturbing to watch, but it definitely gave you an impact. some of the Jews were killed or they killed themselves. Some of them crawled into the snow and died.
The scenes and images shown in "Night and Fog" i found more interesting than "Shindler's List" because they were clips from real people suffering. "Shindler's List" is a hollywood film that was scripted and acted by actors. It was disturbing though hearing the people screaming while they were suffering. Both films showed how horrible the Holocaust was.

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