Sunday, April 19, 2009

Schindler's List

The ghettos, actors, and concentration camps, all seemed very realistic in the film "Schinlder's List." All the scenes in the film were disturbing and crazy. There was this one scene in the film were the little kids were taken away to be killed and their mothers were suffering and couldn't do anything to stopped the Nazis.. When a mother did try to stop them, they were thrown to the ground treated like garbage. Most children were killed while other were able to hide in the camps.
The Jews were moved around to a lot of places and kept on suffering. Auschwitz was one of the most powerful concentration camps during the Holocaust. Most of the executions were held in Auschwitz. Parents, children, and the elderly, were being killed in the most scarriest creative ways ever. Some of the Jews were fooled by thinking they were jumping into showers to wash while running acid was falling on them. The scenes in the movie were disturbing and defitnitley showed the effect the concentration camps had on the Jews.

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