Sunday, April 19, 2009

NATO and the Warsaw Pact

NATO is shorten for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It is a military alliance that included nations from North America and Europe. If one of the nations was attacked, the other nations were to help them as aides. The countries that are in NATO agreed that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all. The agreement aslso helped them economically, by following the Marshall Plan. After the communisims failed, NATO was transformed from a military force to a political one.
The Warsaw Pact included communist states in Central and Eastern Europe. It was an organization, just like NATO, but it was Soviet's Union response to NATO. The soviet Union dominated the Warsaw Pact. It was a communist military alliance to maintain power in Europe. The Warsaw Pact were far superior to those of NATO, their technology soon fell far behind. After many democratic revolutions within the Warsaw Pact it was labeled "nonexistent" in 1991.
Both of these organizations were formed to build strong alliances and use their military and political foreces. NATO was formed to prevent the spread of communisim while the Warsaw Pact wanted to spread and encourage communism throughout other countries.

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